In September 2009, Sonema launched the 2nd edition of its competition to reward its partners for their quality of service and their achievements in their technical roles for Sonema as well as their development of satellite telecommunications in Africa.

This competition lasted for a period of six months. It allowed the Sonema technical partners to be judged on various criteria.

List of Awards ‘Partners Competition’

  • Gold Medal : SATLX – Mali
  • Silver Medal : AFRIBONE – Guinea Conakry
  • Silver Medal Ex-æquo : EASYWAVE – Gabon

On May 10th, the happy winner visited Sonema in Monaco to be presented with the gold medal in honour of the achievement.

Mr Cedric Lepinay, Technical Director (on the right) received his certificate from Mr. Bernard Delorme, acting President, in the presence of the whole Sonema team. Cedric then went onto explore Monaco and its surroundings as well as attending the Formula 1 Grand Prix 2010. SATLX was also awarded by Sonema the certificate of ‘Best Company of the year 2009-2010’.

Also, the other company winners were rewarded.

The Sonema management and team would like to take the opportunity of this announcement to encourage its partner’s network to persist in their pursuit of offering their customers their well known excellent service.