The Various Use Cases of SD-WAN
As an essential component in the digital transformation of companies, Wide-Area Networks (WAN) must evolve to become resilient, scalable and secure architectures, and thus respond to the necessary changes in networks. Growing digital needs, a democratization of cloud...Managing user credentials and privileged access: a major challenge
Encrypting data at rest, regularly auditing access, on-site security and monitoring for data leakage are just a few of the measures you can take to protect your corporate data. But all these measures quickly fall apart if users knowingly or unknowingly reveal their...How to prevent and mitigate ransomware attacks?
Toujours plus pesante au fur et à mesure des années, cette nouvelle manifestation du crime organisé coûte aux entreprises et aux institutions des sommes exponentiellement plus élevées. Mais qu’est-ce qu’un rançongiciel ? Qui sont derrière ces attaques ? Quel est leur impact, et comment s’en prémunir ? Tour d’horizon en 2021.